Hierarchy (View Summary)



configs: any = {}
id: string = ''
model: ChartModel
parent: Selection<SVGGraphicsElement | HTMLDivElement, any, HTMLElement, any> = undefined
renderType: interfaces.RenderTypes = RenderTypes.HTML
type: string = 'title'


  • Parameters

    • configs: { ariaLabel?: string; isPresentational?: boolean; withinChartClip?: boolean } = ...

    Returns Selection<any, any, Element, any>

  • graphs used in combo charts share a model with global options but can receive their own local options. this function retrieves the global options and merges it with any options passed into this component's config.options object.

    Returns any

  • Returns the index for a maximum length substring that is less than the width parameter.


    • title: any

      the title node used for getting the text lengths of substrings

    • start: number

      the start index for the binary search

    • end: number

      the end index for the binary search

    • width: number

      the width of the svg container that holds the title

    Returns number